Discovering Pagan Podcasts


I’ve been listening to podcasts lately. I operate machines where I work and podcasts on my MP3 player help pass the time. I’ve been listening to Pagan podcasts.

Listening to the podcasts is showing me just how much superficial, new age rhetoric has infiltrated the Pagan scene. This disturbs me.

One of the podcasters has started a “Pagan Enough” movement. Apparently some are not accepted because they do not dress in pagan garb, or look witchy enough at gatherings or maybe even in daily life. A dress code for Pagans? Aren’t there enough serious topics to cover without worrying about a dress code?

Other podcasters argue about the Wiccan Rede in a way that indicates a complete lack of understanding of the Rede and its meaning. One even stated that the first verses of the Rede were senseless because the real meaning was in the last few words: “An it harm none, do what ye will.”

Another annoying thing some of the podcasters do is talk with the sing-song voice and tone of a stoned New Ager. Get a grip and speak normally. You do not sound powerful or witchy speaking in a breathless manner. You sound weak and ineffectual. It isn’t impressive to an old Crone like me.

One lady, a Southerner like myself, has no informative content. Another, a very young man who thinks his college education gives strength to his words, interlaces too much politics into his spiritual podcast.

On the other had, some of the podcasts are very good. I enjoy listening to Pagan FM Radio and The Infinite and the Beyond. The podcasters on these shows are knowledgeable and present very enjoyable shows. These shows and many more can be found on Podcast Alley under the religion and spirituality category.

I plan to keep listening to the podcasts, even the ones I don’t agree with. As a solitary Wiccan it provides me a way to say in touch with the community and see just what is going on out there.

If you know of a Pagan podcast I should check out, leave me a message in the comments section of this post. I’ll be happy to give it a listen.

Blessed Be.


Procrastination Reconciled

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I just took 5 days off work. I entered into this vacation with a mental list of what I was to accomplish around my home.

The first day I did necessary things, I ran errands and some basic housecleaning. Things that weren’t on my list but had to be done.

On the second day we were blessed by a visit from friends. We had a blast!

On the third day, hubby and I made the rounds of stores in our area, getting necessary items to be sure, but also letting him get out of the house for awhile. I did a couple more small things from the list, along with those pesky “necessary” things.

Yesterday was the fourth day. It was also the Fourth of July, and I just didn’t want to get down and dirty with some of those bigger chores from my list. I had ribs to barbecue and fireworks to watch and besides, I just felt lazy.

Today is day five and its back to work tomorrow. The basement is still in disarray, the walls still aren’t washed, and so on (you get the picture). So I have been mentally beating myself up about my lack of motivation. Or I was until late yesterday when I was talking to my granddaughter. I mentioned my list and my frustration at myself.

“But, Grandma,” she said, “You are on vacation. You work so much and are so busy all the time, you needed to rest.”

That made me start thinking that maybe I shouldn’t be so hard on myself. I do have a lot to do that is necessary on any given day before heading off to my job. I work from 8 to 10 hours a day on said job. For the rest of the year it will probably be 9 – 10 hours a day, and weekends. Provided the economy allows it, that is.

All the big jobs that really do need to be done can be broken down into smaller pieces and done a little at a time. There are no basement police waiting to barge in and give me a ticket for clutter. (And it isn’t as bad as some I’ve seen on that TV show promo).

So I have a new plan, do the big jobs a little at a time, but work on them consistently. I’ll get finished before I die and if I don’t no one will say anything to me and who cares what they say to each other?

Today is the last day of my vacation. I may repot some flowers. I may play with my computers and kittens. I will do the necessary things. I may even start to clean up some of the clutter that’s bugging me. Other than that…I’m going to enjoy the day.

Because in 100 years, who will know the difference?